
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What can I do with Rs. 1000.00 cash with me?

  • Buy some T shirts each worth Rs. 100.00 and sell them in the market for Rs. 150 to Rs. 200 in the market and earn a profit of Rs. 300 to 400 and during the next day start with Rs. 1400.00 and in this manner after some days, you will be having more than Rs. 20000.00 with you and now you are a successful entrepreneur who knows as to how use money profitably and effectively and you had acquired the qualities to become a big entrepreneur and you can very well manage even an amount of Rs. 100 crore
  • You go to a posh hotel - hire a taxi and pay the taxi charges at Rs. 200 and have your lunch for Rs. 600.00 and return to your home by taxi by paying Rs. 200.00 and now you had spent the entire amount of Rs. 1000 with you. For the next day for having lunch somebody has to provide some amount. There are only two people who can provide you the amount without any questioning - your father and mother.
  • Now you had learnt one lesson. In order to survive in the world, I have to stand on my own legs. Other than my parents, nobody is interested in me including my brothers and friends. It is necessary for me to know some business techniques by which I should reasonable money and from the money earned I can leisurely spend the amount for the purposes I want to spend.
  • Read the following proverb: When you have money, you will never bother about others - when you do not have money, nobody will bother about you. 

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